Retired nurses return to hospital to give helping hand | Local News

2-21 nurses

Retired nurses Barb Besecker (left) and Susie Delph return to help at the hospital.

The call went out for help, and they answered.

Two registered nurses, Barb Besecker and Susie Delph, who both retired in 2020 from Lake Norman Regional Medical Center, were asked to return to the hospital to help with COVID-19 vaccinations. Both responded with a ‘yes.’

Besecker said that she was called in late November around Thanksgiving telling her of the need at the hospital. She was told they didn’t want to take a nurse off the floor and thus were inviting retired nurses to help with the process of vaccinating the employees and medical staff.

“When I heard about it, I was happy to do it,” Besecker noted, committing three to four months to help the hospital.

Likewise willing to jump in and do her part, Delph shared that “when you see all this going on with COVID and see what the nurses are going through, I thought this was the least I could do to help nurses. I couldn’t be on the front lines, but I could maybe slow down the front lines,” she said.

Not only have the nurses that have returned provided that tangible help of giving vaccinations, but Delph noted that “coming back, a lot of us have helped with morale of the staff and let them know (we) are still backing them.”

Besecker retired in May 2020 after serving at the hospital in the medical/surgical unit. Watching her mom, who was also a nurse, is what inspired her to become one as well, she shared.