Marksville head football coach JT Dunbar announces his retirement – Crescent City Sports

“As they say, all good things must come to an end.

Last night ended without the desired result on the scoreboard but I couldn’t be more proud of the group of guys that stuck it out and competed with their brothers . These guys handled so much adversity this season with an unwavering desire and commitment.

With that said, this game had many more emotions for myself on a personal level.

Thirty years ago, I received a phone call from then principal, Mr. Jerome J. St. Romain, to talk about coming home to be a Marksville assistant coach under first year head coach Joel Desselle. That was not part of the plan though. My wife and I had just graduated from Northeast Louisiana University in Monroe. She already had a great job as a dental hygienist and I had assistant opportunities in the Monroe area.

Obviously, it didn’t take much arm twisting to come back to a place that was “home.”

Fast forward to the spring of 2001 and that same principal hired a coach that thought he had it all figured out. It didn’t take long to figure out the difference between sitting in the small chair was quiet different than sitting in the big chair that always seemed to stay warm!

What a ride it’s been. From being surrounded by great staffs, players and community support, we were able to accomplish so many things that had never been accomplished here . Those accomplishments may be “the highlights” but doesn’t even come close to telling the full story of this 20 year ride as the head football coach of this great program . The relationships built with every person that walked thru those doors with the sign that reads “if your presence does not make an impact, than you absence will certainly not be noticed“ will forever be cherished.

In 2019, I met with my current boss, Mrs. Liza Ravare-Jacobs, and told her that 2021 would be my final season. That decision was not an easy one but I felt that I have done everything that can be done for this program that is so dear to my heart. While there may be new challenges in the coaching ranks much later on , I will step away to spend more time with family for a period of time while remaining employed at MHS.

To all of my former players, I hope that you took something from being a part of our program that made you better husbands, fathers and men.

To the community that has been so gracious to us over the years, please know that any bit of success that we’ve accomplished could not have been achieved without your support.

To the families of our players, thank you for entrusting us with your kids and providing so much support to all of us.

Forever purple and gold,
Coach JT Dunbar

NOTE: We would like to Thank Coach Dunbar and his wife Joan for their contributions to Crescent City Sports and Ken Trahan’s Original Prep Football Report over the years.