Local Boy Scout presents American flag retirement boxes to fire department

BAY COUNTY, Fla. (WMBB) A local boy scout is helping those who want to get rid of old American flags, to dispose of them properly.

Troop 321 Boy Scout Garret Jensen presented three American flag retirement boxes to the Panama City Fire Department.

The scouts will hold periodic flag retirement ceremonies, where the flags are burned under the proper conditions.

“We will give them a proper flag retirement ceremony that us, as boy scouts, can use as our rank up and different things we have to do, requirements,” Jensen said.

The boxes were Jensen’s idea for part of his Eagle Scout project.

Anyone can take their old worn flags to the fire department and drop them in the box.

The retirement boxes will be located at Panama City’s central station on east 6th street in the downtown area, Station #2 at Beck Avenue, and Station #4 on 19th street near Jenks Avenue.