Jana Schwartz retirement::1 | Unpublished

She gives credit to the mentors that have guided her in her position, Kathy Johnston was the extension educator in 2002 and later Jackie Guzman.

“My biggest struggle when I started this job was trying to figure out how to teach,” Schwartz said.

Understanding what to do and when to do it was a difficulty when Jana was first started her position.

“There is a lot of policies, procedures and deadlines, trying to figure all that out can be difficult and overwhelming,” she said.

Julie Lane worked with Schwartz as office manager for her first 5-6 years and later on the 4-H board.

“Jana is just wonderful, she has blossomed into a wonderful youth educator and person and will be greatly missed by all,” Lane said.

Schwartz especially enjoys getting to know the youth.

“Working with the kids gives you the opportunity to learn their personalities and help them gain mastery over an interest they may have,” Schwartz said.

In addition to working with 4-H youth one of Schwartz’s responsibilities is bringing enrichment activities to local classrooms.

“Going into classrooms to teach with seasoned teachers was out of my comfort zone,” she said “…These teachers have become some of my dear friends and have really helped me through the years.”