County auditor set to retire next month | News, Sports, Jobs

WOODSFIELD — Monroe County will soon say adieu to Auditor Pandora Neuhart, who announced her plans to retire early next month.

Due to ongoing health issues, Neuhart said she has decided to retire from the office she’s held for more than 20 years.

“I’ve had a lot of health issues the last two years and I’ve missed more work than I feel I should, and it’s hard on everyone in the office to pick up the slack,” she said. “They say you’ll know when it’s time, and I think the time is right.”

Neuhart said although this has been her “dream job,” she feels it’s time to move on to a new chapter in life. However, she said she plans to remain involved in the community.

“I know so many people, that’s the part I’m going to miss the most — the employees and the customers, the taxpayers,” she said. “But, I’m going to still be very involved with some of the organizations that I’m a member of.”

Neuhart, a third generation auditor for the county, has filled the position for the past 22 years following in both her father’s and grandfather’s footsteps.

Beginning in the 1950s, Neuhart’s grandfather, Guy McKelvy, held the post until 1975 when her father, James Neuhart, took over. Pandora Neuhart said she won the election in 1998 after her father decided to retire.

“There’s a lot of politics in the family,” she said. “I chose to follow in his footsteps,”

Neuhart said she has an excellent staff and has no doubt the office will continue to run efficiently after her retirement. It has been an honor to serve Monroe County, she said.

“It’s been an honor and a privilege to serve the taxpayers of Monroe County for 22 years. You get to know so many people, it’s like a family” she said.

During Monday’s Monroe County Board of Commissioners’ meeting, Neuhart recommended Denise Stoneking to act as her interim replacement until the Democratic Executive Committee makes its appointment for the position.

Commissioners Mick Schumacher, Diane Burkhart and Bill Bolon unanimously approved her recommendation. Stoneking is the chief deputy auditor and real estate supervisor for the county auditor’s office.

Schumacher said Neuhart will be missed by the county and the community she has served for more than two decades.

“We’re sad to see her retiring, but I understand her reasons. I’ve known her all my life. … We go back a long way, and we go to the same church. She’s a friend as well as a fellow elected official in the county. She will be missed,” he said.

Neuhart’s last day in office will be March 4.

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