Alan Cook retiring after decades of serving Stockton community

Alan Cook, Director of Family Ministries at Central United Methodist Church on Pacific Avenue in Stockton, is retiring after 15 years at the church on April 30. “When you ask about what I want to do is,” says Cook, “I think I want to repay the community, because I have been so lucky. I have met amazing people.”

STOCKTON – After decades of serving the community and touching the lives of countless families in Stockton, Alan Cook is retiring as director of Family Ministries at Central United Methodist Church.

Incredibly, says someone who’s had a hand in everything from educating children and arranging dinners for struggling families to ministering to families and helping build homes for the needy all over the world, the part of retirement he’s most looking forward to isn’t hitting the beach or settling into a recliner.

It’s giving back.

“When you ask about what I want to do is,” says Cook, 66, “I think I want to repay the community, because I have been so lucky. I have met amazing people.”

Those who know him say that sense of service and selflessness personifies Cook’s humility and dedication.