Want to turbocharge your retirement savings? This app might be the fuel you’re looking for.

There are few faster ways for anxiety to creep in and sour a mood than taking one simple act: glancing at an IRA or 401(k) balance sheet. 

For the average 40-something, the number staring back is likely considerably lower than they want to see. Right now, $93,000 is about the average that a sliding-into-middle-age-with-retirement-starting-to-become-real type will currently have in reserve today, and that number is somehow supposed to grow to pay for anything and everything once they’re too old to work anymore. 

A year under COVID lockdown had many gazing at their retirement accounts total with alarm. And with all that time to think about it, many are wondering why those tax-shielded IRAs and 401(k)s offer so few opportunities to use that money for some big swings at high return investments that can really turbocharge their retirement savings.

Founded in 2017, Rocket Dollar is a fintech firm that’s ready to make that long-term financial goal possible for all levels of retirement savers.  

Savvy investors with major assets like PayPal’s Peter Thiel have long had access to the high return tricks for expanding Roth IRAs well beyond the scope of the traditional approved stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Rocket Dollar is leveling that playing field for everyone. With the company’s self-directed IRAs and 401(k)s, anyone can expand investment opportunities into areas where traditional accounts just won’t go, all while retaining the tax protections that IRA and 401(k) holders love.

Traditional accounts won’t let users turn retirement savings into venture capital to help fund a startup, but a self-directed account from Rocket Dollar can. For those who swear investing in the explosive cryptocurrency market can swell their retirement overnight, Rocket Dollar can make that happen too. Real estate ventures and peer-to-peer lending are also moneymaking options available here that could never happen with traditional retirement accounts.

Those ventures are also made easy through the Rocket Dollar platform. It streamlines these steps that would normally be fraught with byzantine tax code loopholes to consider and other potential landmines that could get average investors into big trouble if they don’t know what they’re doing.

Of course, when there is an issue, members can always rely on Rocket Dollar’s top-flight customer service pros, each ready to make sure new and experienced members alike can get all their critical account questions answered by a real live tax-trained expert.

Rocket Dollar keeps its pricing simple as well, featuring a single one-time setup fee as low as $360, and memberships of just $15 per month without extra asset or transaction costs.